Still from Hereafter, Quartier des Spectacles, Saint Laurent Metro Station, Montreal, 2021
Hereafter, a public art projection installation with Quartier des Spectacles, challenges artists and audiences to envision collectivity as the keystone of an empathetic future. Featuring art from 52 undergraduate and graduate students from Concordia University’s Fine Arts departments, this collaboration projected outside of Saint Laurent Metro Station takes upon itself the shared work of (re)imagining this future, and considers ideas of community, performance, longing, representation, relationships, purpose, and possibility.
This piece, which includes photography, video, stop motion animation, computation arts, performance, dance, text, and art objects, seeks to create relationships between different artists’ work and find new meanings within them. These artworks are juxtaposed, overlayed, and paired, offering viewers the opportunity to understand Hereafter as a collective piece with parts that move in tandem.